Sahih:Abu Dawud:4353 (en en2)
 Muslim blood is lawful for three reasons Fornication (24) Adultery (26) The punishment of the disbeliever (5) Stoning (31)
Quran:An-Nisa 4:150:151 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 Those who deny Allah and His messengers, those are the disbelievers The punishment of the disbeliever (5) Meccreants and polytheists (71)
Quran:An-Nisa 4:115 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 Whoever defies the Messenger after guidance has become a disbelievers The punishment of the disbeliever (5) Apostats (24)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:2420 (en en2)
 Mohamed would burn the houses over the one who do not attend the prayer Mohamed's violence (30) The punishment of the disbeliever (5) The punishment of the hypocrite (8)
Quran:Al-Baqarah 2:6:7 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 Those who persist in disbelief, Allah has set a seal upon their hearts The punishment of the disbeliever (5) Meccreants and polytheists (71)